Monday, December 15, 2014

Really bad television...

One of the reasons for my pure and absolute hatred for Christmas is the ever growing, ever-repeating list of truly horrible programs aired on television every December.

The good people at Salon have put together a comprehensive overview of this year's offerings, here's some excerpts:

It really wouldn’t be Christmas without a bunch of saccharine, low-budget original films that almost always seem to involve both death and a romance... 
If Hallmark’s script appears a little thin, that’s because the network has 12 new Christmas films. “One Starry Christmas,” about an aspiring astronomy professor; “The Nine Lives Of Christmas,” starring former Superman Brandon Routh, as a hard-hearted fireman who adopts a stray cat and opens himself up to love; “A Cookie Cutter Christmas,” about two rival teachers who cross swords over a handsome single dad and a cookie bake-off; “A Royal Christmas,” which is a Christmas knockoff of “The Prince & Me,” which is itself a knockoff of “The Princess Diaries,” but look, it stars Jane Seymour;“The Christmas Shepherd,” about a lonely woman and a single dad and daughter who all adopt the same dog; and at least four films with angels walking around on earth in some form, mostly to set white people up in small-town romances. Fortunately, most of Hallmark’s Christmas films have aired already: You don’t have to be scared anymore... 
Unscripted programming is trotting out an awful lot of holiday specials this year, each one a bit more cringeworthy than the last. 

I highly recommend clicking here to see the full piece.

Seriously, how can anyone justify this kind of garbage being produced and aired year after year?


At December 15, 2014 at 7:40 PM , Blogger Bruce E Greer said...

There is no accounting for bad taste. I just go my Merry way wishing people a Merry Christmas. It works for me.


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